Our mission is to deliver handsewn quilts at reasonable prices.
— Naomi Lapp

The weather is turning colder and it is the perfect time to visit us and fall in love with one of our cozy hand-stitched quilts!

A must see in person is this one:

“Mariner’s Star”

Mariner’s Star is Quilt Number 11104 on our inventory pages. Click on “SHOP” at the top of this page to find photos of every quilt currently available.

Naomi welcomes you into the shop by appointment. Many new quilts continue to come in each week. Plus, we have a whole new inventory of wall hangings!

Don’t hesitate to call to set up a time that is most convenient for you!

The shop is open most Saturdays during the Windmill season from the last Saturday in April to the last Saturday in November.

If you are coming just to visit The Quilt Room,
please call us first or check Facebook for any Saturdays that we may be closed.


Handsewn quilts are our specialty …

Our quilts are one-of-a-kind & far superior to any mass-produced quilt you may see in a department store, which makes them heirloom quilts of today.

We have home accessories as well!


We also offer custom quilting services …

We can design a quilt especially for you and your color palette! Our sold quilts offer many designs from which to launch the design of your personal, heirloom quilt.